Moleaer FAQ

Moleaer FAQ | Common Nanobubble & Moleaer Equipment Questions

Topics Covered:
  1. Moleaer Nanobubble Generators

  2. Nanobubble Fundamentals

  3. Remote Monitoring

  4. Lakes & Ponds

  5. Agriculture/Horticulture

  6. Oil & Gas

  7. Learn more about Moleaer

Moleaer Nanobubble Generators

Learn more about Moleaer's nanobubble technology and products:

Q. Will nanobubbles affect my optical DO sensor accuracy?
A. The optical path does not go through water, and so the system is not sensitive to bubbles in water.

Q. Will the optical DO micro-sensor be able to read saturation with nanobubbles?
A. If the bubbles are present in significant numbers in the fluid around the sensing element, and if there is an appreciable exchange between the bubble of that particular size range and the fluid, the presence of the bubble should manifest in the dissolved oxygen signal.

Q. Dictionary of commonly used acronyms
A. A short list of common acronyms used within the industries Moleaer operates.

  • CIP = Clean In Place
  • DO = Dissolved Oxygen
  • RAS = Recirculating Aquaculture System
  • BOD = Biological Oxygen Demand
  • DAF = Dissolved Air Flotation
  • MLSS = Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids
  • PSIG = Pounds per Square Inch Gauge
  • ORP = Oxidation Reduction Potential
  • LPM = Liters per Minute
  • CFH = Cubic Feet per Hour

Q. Do you offer installation support?
A. Yes.

Q. What are the power requirements for the nanobubble generators?
A. Power requirements vary by product. Power requirements vary by product and by flow rate. Moleaer offers products in both 60Hz and 50Hz and in single phase and three phase power.

Q. Do I need to clean the nanobubble generator? If so, how and how often?
A. Cleaning frequency varies by application. Cleaning can be required, however, cleaning frequency will vary by application. When the water pressure and gas pressure or gas flow parameters exceed the operating range, cleaning is recommended.  Moleaer's remote monitoring package will inform you when a cleaning is necessary.

Q. How far away can I install the system from the tank, pond, lake, etc.?
A. The maximum distance from water body will vary depending on the specific system. This will vary depending on the specific system, but currently for the Clear system (for ponds and lakes where this is a more relevant topic) the Clear 50 has a maximum of 280 linear feet for each pipe, and the Clear 150 has a maximum of 130 linear feet for each pipe. Both can accommodate 8 vertical feet above lowest operating water level.

Q. Do you offer financing?
A. Financing is offered for 24 & 36 months. Moleaer offers 24 month and 36 month lease options. Please contact a Moleaer representative to learn more.

Q. Do nanobubbles help with scale inhibition?
A. Studies show that CO2 nanobubbles can mitigate scale formation. There are studies that demonstrate CO2 nanobubbles and air nanobubbles mitigate scale formation; however, scaling is highly depending on the mineral and the surface. Consult a Moleaer representative to better determine if nanobubbles can help.

Q. What type of water or liquid can I pump through your nanobubble generator?
A. Moleaer systems are designed around specific flow rates, not type of liquid. Moleaer systems are liquid agnostic but are designed for specific flow rates. Please contact a Moleaer representative with help selecting the correct equipment based on the type of liquid you are looking to treat or enhance with nanobubbles.

Q. Do I need to pre-treat the water?
A. Pre-treatment is not required in most cases. Pre treatment is not required, however in certain cases, filtering out larger solids is beneficial. Equipment performance is dependent on the concentration and size of solids.

Q. Can I use any gas with the nanobubble generator?
A. Following local safety restrictions most gases are injectable. Moleaer nanobubble generators can inject most gases. However, local safety restrictions must be taken into account on a case by case basis to avoid any hazardous situations.

Q. What is the correct gas flow?
A. Varies by product and installation. Gas flow is measured by the rotameter and varies by product and installation.

Q. What is the recommended gas pressure (range)?
A. Generally 40-100 psig. Recommended gas pressure is generally 40-100 psig, but varies depending on customer needs.

Q. How many pounds per day of oxygen does each system transfer into clean water?  Process Water?
A. Mass transfer varies by product and installation. Mass transfer is dependent on gas type, altitude, temperature, gas pressure and liquid source/flow rate. A Moleaer representative can help assist you with determining the anticipated mass transfer depending on your circumstances.

Q. What type of air filtration is required for the compressed air?
A. Mass transfer varies by product and installation. Mass transfer is dependent on gas type, altitude, temperature, gas pressure and liquid source/flow rate. A Moleaer representative can help assist you with determining the anticipated mass transfer depending on your circumstances.

Q. Do you offer remote monitoring? Can I control the nanobubble generator remotely?
A. By 2021 all products will have remote monitoring. Yes. A number of Moleaer products include remote monitoring capability and starting in 2021, all products will have this feature.

Q. What is the required maintenance of a Moleaer nanobubble generator?
A. Maintenance varies by model and application. Maintenance needs vary by model, but in general they are very simple to maintain. Depending on the application, Moleaer recommends standard preventive maintenance on the pump and compressor (when included), then monitoring the flow and pressure to determine when cleaning is necessary.

Q. How do we deal with moisture inside the CFH rotameter?
A. Moisture accumulation is normal and, if needed, can be extracted with a cotton swab. Moisture accumulation is normal when feeding our units with compressed air. When the unit is off, you can undo the nut on the top of the rotameter and use a cotton swab to extract the moisture. Additionally, if you have moisture in the air lines you can disconnect the air line at the block and let the compressor blow the excess moisture out. Lastly, make sure to drain the compressor tank periodically if it does not have an auto drain on it, this will help reduce the amount of moisture build up over time.

Q. Should the compressor cycle on and off or run continuously?
A. Compressors should not be started more than 6 times an hour. Continuous cycling of the compressor will cause it to wear faster because at shutdown the head continues to heat up and can cause failure. Meanwhile running the compressor in a continuous manner allows for constant cooling by the fan. This is a known issue with compressors and why it is recommended that you start no more than 6 times an hour

Q. Do I need to replace the nanobubble generator over time? If so, how often?
A. Nanobubble generator wear varies by use, application, and environmental conditions.

The nanobubble generator performance can wear over time; however, this varies significantly by use, application, and environmental conditions. A more precise answer can be provided on a case by case basis and then, if needed, the nanobubble generator is simple to replace.

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Nanobubble Fundamentals

Learn more about nanobubbles and what makes them unique

Q. What is a nanobubble?
A. Nanobubbles are nano-sized bubbles, 2500x smaller than a grain of salt, that help industries use less water, chemicals and energy by changing the properties of water.

Q. How do nanobubbles improve flotation if they themselves do not float?

A. Many nanobubbles acting together can float larger particulates. Due to the natural surface charge of a nanobubble, many nanobubbles will attach themselves to individual particulates in the water, and when once enough act together it will result in that particulate floating even though individual nanobubbles themselves do not. We are happy to provide research papers that speak to this concept.

Q. Will nanobubbles remain entrained in the water after the treatment process?
A. The less biologically active the environment, the longer nanobubbles remain present. Nanobubble longevity is dependent on the dissolved gas demand in the treatment process. In clean water applications the bubbles will last days to weeks as the dissolved gas concentrations increase. For biologically active or other high demand environments, bubble existence is much shorter due to the high demand in the liquid for the dissolved gas.

Q. Do you have white papers or independent studies?
A. White papers and independent studies are available upon request. Yes. Moleaer works with nearly a dozen University or research labs to study the benefits of Moleaer nanobubbles on all commercial applications. Please contact a Moleaer representative to discuss the specifics of these research projects.

Q. Do nanobubbles change the viscosity or density of the liquid they are injected into?
A. Based on independent testing, the viscosity is changed with an increased concentration of nanobubbles. 

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Remote Monitoring

Learn more about the remote monitoring capabilities of Moleaer's nanobubble systems

Q. What are the advantages of remote monitoring?
A. Remote monitoring saves you time and gives you a better understanding of your operations over time.

  • Having the ability to monitor your equipment performance without being present at your site.
  • Being able to monitor your water quality without being present at your site.
  • You can monitor both your water quality and equipment performance 24/7, giving you the ability to observe trends over time, increase the accuracy of your measurements, and to save time throughout your day.

Q. What do you measure for equipment monitoring?
A. Varying parameters to ensure the equipment is operating smoothly. Moleaer measures the internal operational parameters of the equipment to ensure that everything is running as it should be. This includes pump pressure, gas pressure(s), power to the unit (and oxygen generator when applicable), and internal temperatures.

Q. What can you measure with water quality monitoring?
A. Dissolved Oxygen is offered on all units, several families offer more advanced monitoring. Moleaer offers Dissolved Oxygen (DO) monitoring on all equipment. Several of the product families also offer advanced water quality monitoring which can include: Chlorophyll A, Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP),  pH, temperature, and more. Please contact a Moleaer representative to learn more.

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Lakes & Ponds

Learn more about Moleaer's nanobubble systems for Lake & Pond Management and Surface Water

Q. Do I need a permit to install a Moleaer unit?

A. A permit is typically not required, check with your local agencies. You do not typically need a permit to install a Moleaer nanobubble system. Moleaer's systems are an EPA registered pesticide "device" (which does not require a permit like pesticide "chemicals". Some jurisdictions do however require permitting or approval to install aeration or other devices in surface waterbodies such as fountains, aerators, circulators or nanobubble generators.

Q. How far do you need to run piping?
A. Piping installation guidelines vary based on model. Piping guides are provided with all Moleaer nanobubble systems and can be found in the installation guide. It is best to use shorter lengths of pipes whenever possible to increase the pump efficiency of a nanobubble generator.

Q. How loud are the units?
A. Noise rating depends on the specific model. Specific decibel ratings for each unit can be found by contacting a Moleaer representative. The Clear unit family is rated for <65 dB. This is equivalent to a normal conversation between two people. If you were standing next to a Clear unit, you would not need to raise your voice to be heard.

Q. What is the lifetime/warranty?
A. All Moleaer systems have a 1-year warranty for workmanship and materials included. Extended warranties and remote monitoring services are available. Please contact a Moleaer representative for more information.

Q. How do I prepare a unit for the winter season?
A. Moleaer units must be winterized when and where appropriate. Moleaer units can be winterized upon delivery, if requested at the time of order. Otherwise, it is important to winterize it each year by shutting the system off and draining the system and all piping, or by taking it off-site.

Q. Can you treat a targeted/small area, i.e. swimming beach on large lake?
A. Moleaer has successfully treated targeted areas. Yes.  Moleaer has successfully treated targeted areas on larger water bodies. Careful consideration must be taken on where the unit is installed; specifically taking into account currents and the location of the intake & discharge.

Q. Will nanobubbles harm zooplankton?
A. Nanobubbles have no known impact on zooplankton. There is no evidence that Nanobubbles have an impact on zooplankton. Moleaer recognizes the importance of maintaining a healthy food-chain for the ecosystem of your water body.

Q. Will nanobubbles affect pH?

A. Nanobubbles do not directly affect pH levels. However, as algae problems are mitigated then pH will likely decrease.

Q. Will nanobubbles disrupt thermal stratification?
A. Potentially, nanobubbles themselves are nonbuoyant and do not float or cause lift like traditional aeration systems, however, mechanical mixing forces through the pumping of water and the excess gas that is discharged will disrupt stratification. Thoughtfully designed intake and discharge lines can reduce the impact to stratification.

Q. Can nanobubbles move through a thermocline?
A. It is unlikely that nanobubbles will break through a thermocline due to the density changes in water.

Q. Does the nanobubble system work with other conventional pond aeration systems?
A. Yes, using other aeration and mixing devices such as fountains, bottom diffusers and circulators has no negative impact on the use of nanobubbles.

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Learn more about how Moleaer's nanobubble systems improve irrigation water quality and plant development

Q. Do nanobubbles increase yields?

A. Nanobubbles have been shown to increase yields. Nanobubbles provide many benefits to improve water quality and improve root health which generally results in increase yields. However, yield improvements are a function of a number of variables and Moleaer does not guarantee yield improvements.

Q. Do nanobubbles increase THC & CBD levels in cannabis?
A. Nanobubbles have been shown to increase THC & CBD concentrations. Increases in THC & CBD concentration levels in cannabis have been consistently observed when treating irrigation water with oxygen nanobubbles.

Q. What is the return on investment (ROI)?
A. ROI and Payback periods depend on the crop you are growing and your starting yields. Nearly half of Moleaer's customers report a payback in less than one-year with the balance seeing paybacks in two-years or less.

Q. I don't like the consumable cost of oxygen. Do I need to use tanks?
A. Oxygen tanks not required, for some units. You do not need to use oxygen tanks. Moleaer offers nanobubble systems with integrated oxygen concentrators, eliminating the need to source oxygen cylinders or Dewar tanks from gas suppliers. However, in many cases, this can still be a more economical solutions. Please contact a Moleaer representative to learn more.

Q. What is the optimum dissolved oxygen (DO) for my irrigation water?
A. Optimum DO varies by application and customer goals. Although Moleaer's nanobubble generators can help growers achieve DO above 40 mg/l, optimum DO for irrigation water is typically decided by the grower.   Most of Moleaer's customers aim to achieve between 18 and 25 mg/L. Several customers do desire and achieve higher results, above 30 mg/L.

Q. How long will it take to eliminate my algae issues?
A. 30-60 days, depending on environmental conditions. The time it takes to treat and control algae blooms is dependent on the severity of the problem and environmental conditions. However, most installations observe effective algae treatment in 30-60 days.

Q. How do nanobubbles affect biofilm?
A. Nanobubbles reduce or eliminate the presence of biofilm. Nanobubbles reduce biofilm through scouring, impacting the integrity of the biofilm extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) and pulling or scraping pathogens from surfaces such as the inside of driplines or from exposed surfaces.

Q. Is this product for large-scale agriculture?
A. Yes.  Numerous farmers have installed Moleaer nanobubble generators into their outdoor irrigation systems to reduce biofilm in driplines, treat water borne pathogens, improve root development, increase oxygen content in the root zone and improve overall plant health and yields.

Q. How do nanobubbles supersaturate dissolved oxygen levels in irrigation water?
A. The unique properties of nanobubbles allow for extremely high rates of gas transfer. When using pure oxygen, Moleaer's nanobubbles will elevate dissolved oxygen levels above the natural saturation point more economically than any other available technology. This is due to the high gas transfer rates of Moleaer's nanobubble systems and the unique properties of nanobubbles.

Q. How long will it take to supersaturate my irrigation water?
A. The time to saturate water bodies is dependent on the specific installation. The time and amount of oxygen required to reach target dissolved oxygen levels above the natural saturation point are dependent on the volume of water, temperature, oxygen flow rate and residence time. Please contact a Moleaer representative for more information.

Q. How long do nanobubbles last in irrigation water?
A. Nanobubbles can last weeks in clean water. Moleaer has repeated research from independent organizations that indicates that nanobubbles are stable in clean water for months at a time. 

Q. Is there a noticeable difference in the taste of vegetables treated with nanobubbles?
A. Nanobubbles have not negatively affected the taste of any crops. Through nanobubble injection, taste is maintained or improved by improving the quality of water provided to your plants. This is due to nanobubble injection helping plants increase the uptake of nutrients, ensuring that plants maintain optimal nutrient levels even with increased fruit production.

Q. Do nanobubbles have any negative effects on chelated micronutrients?
A. There are no negative effects on chelated nutrients. This is due to the fact that chelated micronutrients are more stable in the presence of elevated oxygen and nanobubbles.

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Oil & Gas

Learn more about how Moleaer's nanobubble systems can reduce operational costs and increase resource recovery

Q. How can nanobubbles be applied in oil & gas applications?
A. Moleaer’s technology has been successfully deployed to aid in oil/water separation, oxidation of produced water for sulfide and iron removal, to maintain high levels of oxidation reduction potential (ORP) as well as down hole for enhanced oil recover applications.

Q. Does Moleaer offer temporary equipment?
A. Yes, Moleaer maintains a fleet of Nanobubble Generators designed for temporary and emergency applications such as pit aeration & recovery, oxidation and EOR.

Q. What size of equipment does Moleaer make?
A. Moleaer offers nanobubble generators that range in size from 0.5 bbl/min to 25 bbl/min.

Q. Where can I buy a Moleaer Nanobubble Generator?
A. Moleaer works with end users and distributors. Moleaer works both directly with Operators as well as through a handful of partners who are trained in Moleaer's products. We offer our equipment in a variety of commercial arrangements depending on what works best for our customer.

Q. How long has Moleaer's equipment been in the oil patch?
A. Moleaer has more than three years of experience in the oil patch with equipment installed from Saudi Arabia to the Permian Basin.

Q. Can Moleaer use methane, propane or other gases to make nanobubbles?
A. Yes, Moleaer’s technology is considered gas agnostic. Please contact a Moleaer representative.

Q. What value does Moleaer create in the oil patch?
A. Moleaer can reduce operational costs or increase resource recovery. Moleaer’s technology creates value by either reducing operational costs or increasing resource recovery. In produced water applications Moleaer is focused on reducing chemical demand to save operators money. In oil extraction applications, Moleaer is focused on improving efficiencies and recovery rates.

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Learn more about Moleaer

Learn more about Moleaer's employees, business ideals, and long term goals

Q. Where are Moleaer's production and sales offices?
A. Moleaer designs, develops and manufactures all of the Company's nanobubble generators at its Carson California Headquarters.  Moleaer also maintains sales offices across the United States, Mexico, Canada, the Netherlands and Spain.

Q. How proven is Moleaer's Nanobubble Technology?
A. Customers have installed over 2400 Moleaer nanobubble systems in more than 52 different countries.

Q. What industries does Moleaer serve?
A. Moleaer's nanobubble generators are widely used in: Agriculture, Horticulture, Lake & Pond Management, Aquaculture, Food Sanitization, Industrial Wastewater, and Oil & Gas processing. The Company's patented technology is independently validated by global experts in the fields of water & wastewater treatment, aeration, oxidation, food safety, and nanobubble detection technology.

Q. When was Moleaer founded?
A. Moleaer was founded in August of 2016, and officially launched their first nanobubble generator in June of 2017.

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